Frankfurter 4 plus 3 Gespräche
In cooperation with Galerie Kai Erdmann, Hamburg.
17.7. – 25.8.21
Opening 16 July 2021, 6–9pm
Carola Ernst, Jonas Hofrichter, Anna Ley, Stefan Pfeiffer, Lena Schramm, Nouchka Wolf, Phillip Zaiser
Four female artists and three male artists from Galerie Kai Erdmann are guests in our gallery. All associations resonating in the exhibition title to the Frankfurt sociology, the reunification or even the weighting of the sexes may rise, evaporate again or take a new turn.
Jonas Hofrichter asks questions about international understanding. Stefan Pfeiffer visualizes bipolarities, and Anna Ley examines fiscal realities. Lena Schramm reimports tablets into the former techno-capital, Nouchka Wolf (with Alexander Wolf) sings sense-expanding songs about the pains of the world, and everything seems to accumulate to explode in Carola Ernst's work. Above all, reassuringly, the constitutional court watches over by means of Phillip Zaiser.