Dmitry Teselkin

Off the Wall

March 14 to April 19, 2025
Opening: Friday, March 14, 2025, 7 pm

For the first time, the gallery is showing Dmitry Teselkin (*1985) in a solo exhibition. “Off the Wall” not only refers to an unconventional approach, but also to the walls of the exhibition space. This is where the artist, who trained in St. Petersburg and at the Städelschule in Frankfurt, places his modular works. The basic module he has been using since 2005, called “Constructor”, serves as a versatile sculptural material that he uses to create grids, stacks, reliefs and spatial objects. The visual attraction that presents itself at first glance refers to machine-like processes, to an algorithmization that stands for criticism and scepticism within a performance-oriented art system.


Fig.: PLC_DR_PG_008, darkroom color photogram on Kodak Endura Professional, 54.7 x 76 cm, 2024