Leonie Specht & Christian Kölbl
6 July to 17 August 2024
Opening on Friday, 5 July 2024, 6 pm
Leonie Specht (born 1994) deals with what is hidden in people and opens up pictorial spaces in which inner worlds and outer worlds exist simultaneously. Using symbols and ornaments, the painter introduces viewers to the meta-levels of perception between consciousness and subconsciousness.
Everyday consumer experiences form the background to Christian Kölbl's conceptual art. Christian Kölbl (born 1994). Art's remedies, their risks and side effects are the theme of his works on display in the gallery: Cover pictures of the magazine "Texte zur Kunst" now adorn the cover of "Apotheken Umschau", and Kölbl's self-created "drogues de cologne" is the apparent path to the ultimate cure.
Fig. Christian Kölbl, from the series "Apotheke X Kunst", 2023, oil and varnish on canvas, 40 x 60 cm. Leonie Specht, Ballet Flats, 2023, acrylic and oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm. Typo design: Dominik Keller